Menstrual Abnormalities Strongly Associated with Proximity to COVID-19 Vaccinated Individuals


  • Sue E. Peters† Independent Researcher, New York, NY
  • Jill Newman† Independent Researcher, Mount Pleasant, SC
  • Heather Ray Science and Research Assistant, Children’s Health Defense, Franklin Lakes, NJ
  • James A. Thorp Maternal-Fetal Medicine Physician and Independent Researcher, Gulf Breeze, FL
  • Tiffany Parotto Director and Founder of MyCycleStoDirector and Founder of MyCycleStory℠, Research Analyst, St Petersburg, FL℠, Research Analyst, St Petersburg, FL
  • Brian Hooker Chief Scientific Officer, Children’s Health Defense, Franklin Lakes, NJ, and member of the Editorial Board for the IJVTPR
  • Dan McDyer MD, Private Practice Obstetrician/Gynecologist, Jacksonville, FL
  • Leonard Murphy Research Advisor, LMC Group, Windsor, KY
  • Raphael B Stricker MD at Union Square Medical Associates, San Francisco, CA
  • Maureen McDonnell Registered Pediatric Nurse, Retired, Barnardsville, NC
  • Paul J. Mills Professor, Public Health and Family Medicine, University of California, San Diego, CA
  • Warren Gieck Research Data Analyst, Austin, TX
  • Christiane Northrup Former Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Former Assistant Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Vermont College of Medicine, Portland, ME
  • †The two lead authors contributed equally.



abnormal menses, COVID-19 shedding, COVID-19 transmission, COVID-19 vaccines, menses irregularities, menstrucal bleeding, mRNA spike protein, mRNAvaccines


In Spring 2021, MyCycleStorySM launched a secure online survey to which 92.3% of 6049 respondents self-reported menstrual irregularities occurring after the rollout of the COVID-19 injectables. Each respondent served as her own control because prior to the rollout of COVID-19 vaccination, the vast majority had regular menstrual cycles. A subgroup of 3390 respondents were only indirectly exposed to COVID-19 vaccines or the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This subgroup reported 1) being unvaccinated for COVID-19; 2) having had no COVID-19 symptoms; and 3) no positive test for COVID-19, yet a substantial majority of these women, who were only indirectly exposed to COVID-19 injectables or COVID-19 infections still had many of the same menstrual abnormalities as the 2659 women who were directly exposed to a COVID-19 injection (798), or had COVID-19 symptoms (1347), or tested positive for COVID-19 (514). Generalized linear mixed modeling was used to examine the association (not assuming causation) between abnormal menses experienced after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout by respondents who were only indirectly exposed by some degree of proximity to persons. Chi-Square, Student’s t, Kruskal-Wallis or ANOVA tests were used to assess the statistical significance of the similarities of menstrual irregularities reported by the directly exposed and indirectly exposed groups. The mean age of the entire cohort was 37.8 ± 0.1 years. The percentage of the indirectly exposed participants who reported being within 6 feet of a COVID-19 vaccinated person was 85.5%. Of these, 71.7% had irregular menstrual symptoms within one week and 50.1% had irregular menstrual symptoms within ≤3 days after exposure. When comparing daily proximity to a vaccinated person, the categories of “daily within 6 feet outside the household” versus “seldom/sometimes/daily outside 6 feet” had the highest relative risk at 1.34 (p<0.01) for heavier menstrual bleeding, early menses at more than 7 days early with a relative risk at 1.28 (p=0.03), and extended bleeding for more than 7 days with relative risk at 1.26 (p=0.04). Indirect exposure to COVID-19 vaccinated persons was significantly associated with the likelihood of the onset of menstrual irregularities.  This study provides additional data to complement a growing body of evidence raising concerns regarding the safety of mRNA vaccines.

Author Biographies

  • Sue E. Peters†, Independent Researcher, New York, NY

    Peters holds a PhD in behavioral neuroscience from Rutgers University focusing research on sleep, cognition, development, and aging; formerly worked as Senior Researcher at Children’s Health Defense where in addition to researching vaccine injuries and women’s health; some of her published research is available at; ORCID:

  • Jill Newman†, Independent Researcher, Mount Pleasant, SC

    Newman is an analyst/biostatistician with more than 75 peer-reviewed publications in medical journals; has worked on both epidemiological studies and randomized clinical trials in two major US academic institutions; has taught math and statistics in post-secondary institutions; has been a small business owner and is active in social and civic organizations; is pursuing truth in health outcomes/methodologies and medical health freedom; dedication to such purposes is owed to her devotion to her children and grandchildren.ORCID:

  • Heather Ray, Science and Research Assistant, Children’s Health Defense, Franklin Lakes, NJ

    Heather Ray is a scientific researcher, analyst, and administrator in the Science and Research Department at Children’s Health Defense; has background in sociology, biology, and massage therapy. She is honored to partner with colleagues on published scientific research and writing projects on vaccine safety, childhood health, and medical freedom; is a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves, and wife of an incredible husband and the mother of five wonderful children.

  • James A. Thorp, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Physician and Independent Researcher, Gulf Breeze, FL

    Thorp, MD, is an actively practicing with 45 years of clinical experience; is extensively published and has testified as an expert in many formal venues including twice in the US Senate; recipient of numerous awards including ones from his professional organizations.

  • Tiffany Parotto, Director and Founder of MyCycleStoDirector and Founder of MyCycleStory℠, Research Analyst, St Petersburg, FL℠, Research Analyst, St Petersburg, FL

    An accomplished marketing and strategy leader who has made significant contributions is also founding/developer of MyCycleStory, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization;  dedicated to empowering women’s health and fertility through independent research and impactful projects; expertise in crafting narratives that resonate; has a deep-rooted commitment to her two daughters motivated to create a better future for them and for all children.

  • Brian Hooker, Chief Scientific Officer, Children’s Health Defense, Franklin Lakes, NJ, and member of the Editorial Board for the IJVTPR

    Hooker, PhD, is the Chief Scientific Officer for Children's Health Defense and Professor Emeritus of Biology at Simpson University in Redding, California; coauthor of more than 80 peer-reviewed science and engineering papers in vaccine injury epidemiology and biotechnology in internationally recognized peer-reviewed journals; holds five US patents; and is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research; ORCID:

  • Dan McDyer, MD, Private Practice Obstetrician/Gynecologist, Jacksonville, FL

    Board-certified OB/GYN in private practice; member of the Clinical Governance Board of the largest group of OBGYN’s in the US since 2013; served as a Section Chairman for the American College of OBGYNs; President of the Advanced Biological Research Group, Inc.

  • Leonard Murphy, Research Advisor, LMC Group, Windsor, KY

    With 25+ years in market research, Leonard Murphy is a globally recognized thought leader and advisor, leveraging extensive leadership and advisory experience as CEO of successful companies to drive innovation and impactful insights.

  • Raphael B Stricker, MD at Union Square Medical Associates, San Francisco, CA

    Stricker is the medical director of Union Square Medical Associates in San Francisco;  internationally recognized as a leader in tick-borne disease diagnosis, treatment, and research (ORCID:

  • Maureen McDonnell, Registered Pediatric Nurse, Retired, Barnardsville, NC

    McDonnell is a retired pediatric registered nurse in which capacity she worked for more than 40 years; was the national coordinator of the Defeat Autism Now conferences; is the founder and Executive Director of Millions Against Mandates, an organization focused on  building collaboration in the health freedom movement and creating solutions for optimizing children’s health and well being.

  • Paul J. Mills, Professor, Public Health and Family Medicine, University of California, San Diego, CA

    Mills holds a PhD in neuroscience; has expertise in integrative medicine, traditional medical systems, and psychoneuroimmune processes in wellness and disease; has published numerous peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on these topics; is the author of over 400 scientific publications and of the book Science, Being & Becoming; and ORCID:

  • Warren Gieck, Research Data Analyst, Austin, TX

    Gieck is an accomplished CTO specializing in medical data collection, analysis, and AI-driven software innovation; with expertise in product development, cloud solutions, and machine learning, he has spearheaded groundbreaking healthcare tools and industrial technologies; has experience in contract negotiation, database design, and automation, driving impactful advancements across diverse industries; ORCID:

  • Christiane Northrup, Former Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Former Assistant Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Vermont College of Medicine, Portland, ME

    Northrup, MD,  is a board-certified OB/GYN with more than thirty years of clinical experience; former assistant clinical professor of OB/GYN at the University of Vermont College of Medicine; and three-time New York Times bestselling author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause and Goddesses Never Age.


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How to Cite

Menstrual Abnormalities Strongly Associated with Proximity to COVID-19 Vaccinated Individuals. (2024). International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research , 3(2), 1435-1461.

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