Lowered Female Fertility Associated with Human Papilloma Virus Vaccines
The falling birth rate in the United States may be owed to multiple factors, the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines being among them. Here I examine again the hypothesis that the likelihood of having been pregnant at least once was reduced for women aged 25 to 29 between 2007 and 2018 who received one of the HPV vaccines compared with peers who did not. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) representing 7.5 million women in the United States were used. The age-range was limited in order to compare women in the optimal age-range for child-bearing who received at least one HPV shot during the study period against peers who did not. Given that the HPV vaccines are aimed at preventing cervical cancer, but not at reducing or enhancing fertility, the opportunity and choice to receive such a vaccine should be about equal across all the women in the sampled age-range and time frame. Analysis revealed that only 47% of HPV vaccine recipients had ever conceived as contrasted with 69% of comparable peers who did not receive any HPV shot. If pregnancies after receiving such a shot were unaffected by it, the women in both groups should be equally likely or unlikely to get pregnant. Nevertheless, even when covariate controls for marital status, age, education, income, race/ethnicity, obesity and smoking were used, a multivariate logistic regression showed a reduced likelihood of pregnancy in the HPV vaccinated women (OR 0.66; 95% CI 0.438, 0.998): women who received the HPV vaccine were less likely to have been or to become pregnant during the time frame examined. The reasonable conclusion is that receiving an HPV vaccination reduces female fertility. If the shot were aiming to be a birth-control vaccine the observed result would not be anomalous. But it is, and there is other research showing that at least two of the viruses targeted by all the HPV vaccines on the market, 16 and 18, can cause sterility in both females and males and are also associated with so-called “spontaneous” abortions and premature ovarian failure in pregnant female carriers of those pathogens.
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