Playing Russian Roulette with Every COVID-19 Injection: The Deadly Global Game


  • Daniel Santiago Pharmacist in Orlando, Florida



COVID-19 vaccine recipients, engineered mXNA, modified mRNA, N1-methylpseudouridine, spike protein coding sequence, uridine substitutions, XNA


Are the promoters of the COVID-19 injections leading, pushing, and even forcing the people of the world to play a global game of Russian Roulette? The actuarial statistics and clinical facts are revealing harmful and deadly consequences on a global scale. For the sake of those still able to choose whether to spin the cylinder and pull the trigger one more time, I am conducting a guided tour. I will show why there are exponentially many more ways for the experimental injections to cause disease and death than health and well-being. Briefly put, valid transcription of mRNA from our own DNA leads to well-formed proteins that work as designed for cytoplasm, organelles, cells, tissues, and functional organ systems of the body. By contrast, the foreign (xeno) nucleic acid sequences, the mXNAs, in the “modified mRNA” in the COVID-19 injectables are more likely to harm the body’s systems than to benefit them. The relevant research shows why the mXNAs are incompetent to communicate effectively with the complex native context in vivo — the human biosignaling systems that are not mechanical but are articulated in multiple layers, interconnected, and for practical purposes, infinitely varied systems of information processing. Survival and longevity depend on valid communications among nuclear and mitochondrial DNA, their RNAs, and the protein language systems specified before a person’s birth. When these complex biosignaling systems fail, disorders and diseases follow. In catastrophic failures, death occurs. The story is not simple and the tour I am conducting is challenging with more than a few twists, turns, and digressions. However, I believe, persons experimented on — almost all of them unknowingly, some with partial knowledge who were unwilling recipients — account for more than half the world population. The stakes are high, even life or death, so I think many of the recipients of one or more injections will take the guided tour.

Author Biography

  • Daniel Santiago, Pharmacist in Orlando, Florida

    Pharmacist in Orlando, Florida, formerly with Publix email: [email protected] (ORCID 0000-0001-5975-0592)


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How to Cite

Playing Russian Roulette with Every COVID-19 Injection: The Deadly Global Game. (2022). International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research , 2(2), 619-650.

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