All Cause Mortality and COVID-19 Injections: Evidence from 28 Weeks of Public Health England “COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Reports”


  • John Oller Professor Emeritus University of New Mexico, Linguistics
  • Daniel Santiago Pharmacist in Orlando, FL



all-cause mortality, COVID-19 vaccines, deaths after vaccination, causation and perfect correlation


According to data collected in the UK for weeks 34-52 in 2021 (excluding week 51 which was not covered) and in weeks 1-12 of 2022 — a period of 28 weeks during which the genetic “vaccines” from Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca were being pressed upon the public — deaths reported to Public Health England (PHE) from their hospital “trusts” were being tabulated in a series of vaccine surveillance reports. Each source for the data analyzed here covered a four-week period. Deaths were reported to PHE from under age 18, progressing in increments of 10 years to 80 or older. In addition to deaths, the UK National Immunization Management System also recorded the date of a positive COVID-19 test result, and dates of any vaccinations. To obtain non-overlapping records, the 7 surveillance reports relied on here appeared in weeks 38, 42, 47, and 51 in 2021 and 4, 9, and 13 in 2022. Assuming that dying was not reported more than once for any individual, and, that dates of positive COVID-19 tests and COVID-19 vaccinations were reasonably reliable, we believe there is no good reason to doubt the data or the analyses we are reporting. During the 28 weeks we are referring to, we found an almost perfect correlation between the total deaths within 60 days of a positive COVID-19 test, across the various age groups (a) from any cause whatever and (b) deaths after the persons who died had received one, two, or three doses of at least one of the COVID-19 vaccines. We simply collated the data from the various UK Health Security Agency vaccine surveillance reports to discover a correlation of 0.99881, coefficient of determination at 0.99762, between (a) and (b). The shots account for almost exactly 100% of the variance in death-from-all-causes in the UK data set.

Author Biographies

  • John Oller, Professor Emeritus University of New Mexico, Linguistics

    As a theoretician and experimentalist, Oller's most recent research focuses on the integration of the body's maintenance-repair-defense systems. His theory and mathematical proofs show that the systems involved cannot be less complex than the multi-level sytems of the human language capacity, which is, ubiquitously expressed in the genome of human beings. That system of systems cannot be purely mechanical because it is influenced by free will, unparalleled creativity (as Chomsky has demonstrated), and is shaped by factors of demonstrably irreducible complexity. Corrupting true representations in such a system produces what Oller has termed biosemiotic entropy leading to disorders, diseases, and the catastrophic systems failure known euphemistically as mortality.

  • Daniel Santiago, Pharmacist in Orlando, FL

    With a bachelor of science concentration in molecular and genetic biology from Temple University in 1992, Santiago, went on to complete coursework in laboratory techniques in molecular biology and genetics at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. While studying pharmacy at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia in 1992-1993, thanks to a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, he worked with the renowned Chin C. Howe, PhD, holder of the noted patent of  the SPARC (secreted protein acidic cysteine-rich glycoprotein) deficient transgenic mouse. Working with Howe, Daniel Santiago, identified and characterized the promoter of the elongation factor-2 (EF-2) gene, essential for protein synthesis. He helped Howe to map a region proximal to this promoter that drives ubiquitous expression and found it bound to a transcription factor producing DNA-protein complex. After earning his doctorate in pharmacy (PharmD) from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, he began his clinical career at Happy Harry’s Pharmacies. Since 2004, he has been with Publix Pharmacies.


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How to Cite

All Cause Mortality and COVID-19 Injections: Evidence from 28 Weeks of Public Health England “COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Reports”. (2022). International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research , 2(2), 301-319.

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