The Blind Spot in COVID-19 Vaccination Policies: Under-Reported Adverse Events
COVID-19 vaccine adverse effects, COVID vaccine safety, public health policy, risk-benefit assessmentAbstract
Case reports involving two academic researchers suggest that adverse events (AEs) to COVID-19 messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccination are largely underreported due to numerous clinical, systemic, political and media factors. The lack of proper analysis and consideration of the reported AEs also suggests that these injections are not as safe as widely purported. The resulting biased risk-benefit assessment may only produce misinformed public health recommendations and misguided political decisions, thereby exposing the population to an underestimated risk, in possible violation of the precautionary principle and of the right to a free and informed consent. The possible mechanisms underlying AEs to COVID-19 vaccination raise serious concerns regarding the new vaccine application of the mRNA technology that need to be addressed before expanding it to other infectious diseases. The legal considerations of AE underreporting are also discussed, and recommendations are formulated. AEs to mRNA injections are a reality and need to be better assessed than heretofore, diagnosed and reported to public health authorities for follow-up investigation in order to inform policy decisions and updates to physician guidelines in an objective, scientifically based, independent, and transparent manner.
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