
  • cover image for Volume 3, Issue 2

    Injuries, Causes, and Treatments, Part 2
    Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024)

    The discussion begun in the previous issue of the journal is far from over. Here in Part 2 our call for papers is a continuation of the discussion of injuries and causes, but especially seeking empirical clinical research into successful treatment protocols for any and all aspects of COVID-19 illness as well as the increasingly well-documented sequelae of the experimental injections. 

  • cover for volume 3 issue 1 Injuries, Causes, & Treatments

    Injuries, Causes, and Treatments, Part 1
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023)

    In this issue we focus attention on injuries reasonably attributable to vaccines. Such "harms" as the Brits call them, are commonly referred to in medical literature as "adverse events" or euphemistically they are called "side effects". The key to being able to figure out how to treat such injuries is first to identify their causes, and then to determine ways to address those causes in order to repair the damage if possible, or, at least, to keep it from getting worse. We seek evidence in this issue of treatment protocols that work. Merely applying a supposed remedy is not enough. There needs to be evidence that proposed remedies work.

  • COVID Aftermath
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022)

    This issue invites papers for peer-review addressing the known and expected consequences of the ongoing COVID-19 genetic experiments aiming to get nucleated cells in recipients of the EUA “vaccines” to manufacture the COVID spike protein. Scientific research into the mRNA code of the spike protein itself and studies of protocols for alleviating the so-called “side effects” of the experimental ingredients being injected into billions of people during of the ongoing world-wide experiments are also welcomed.

  • Epidemic NCDs
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)

    This issue begins to explore the language, policies, practices, and science examining the range of known interactions between some of the toxicants in vaccines and other factors known or reasonably believed to be involved in the increasing number and scope of epidemic non-communicable chronic diseases/disorders (NCDs).

  • Cover for issue 2 of volume 1 of IJVTPR

    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)

    This second issue in the first volume of the IJVTPR addresses COVID-19 from its historical, economic, engineering, governmental, scientific, and treatment perspectives. The article by Dr. Lee on Gardasil9 replaces the one that appeared in the prior issue (with correction of two errata and some added notes), and the article appearing here from the Children's Health Defense Team first appeared with permission in The Defender December 14, 2020.

  • Front page of the Inaugural Issue of IJVTPR

    Inaugural Issue
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)

    The Inaugural Issue of IJVTPR opens with global vaccine controversies accented by the on-going pandemic of COVID-19. Shaw  shows how the valued peer review process has been hijacked by the "conflicted commercialization of medicine" to remove studies from academic publications that do not conform to vested interests. Oller et al. follow up on the 2013-2015 WHO tetanus campaign used to distribute anti-fertility vaccine to the millions of African women seeking only to protect themselves and their babies from tetanus. David Lewis shows how biolsolids containing highly concentrated toxicants and pathogens from vaccines in human waste, are almost certainly contributing to the rising global prevalence of certain disorders and diseases. Sin Hang Lee examines cetain alignment issues in gene editing for Gardasil9 to produce virus-linked proteins that stimulate immunity against the 9 selected HPVs.

    Our next issue of IJVTPR will focus on gene-editing research by vaccine developers that is cryptically called “dual use” or “gain of function” research manipulating potential pandemic pathogens (PPPs). In such PPP work, vaccine developers create gene-edited viruses from flu virions, SARS, MERS, corona viruses, etc., deliberately making them more infectious. For instance, they may create or import a "spike protein" to by-pass existing defenses in lab animals or humans. The ostensible goal of developing vaccines to protect against PPPs, is offset by actors seeking bioweapons, and by ways PPP research can and does sometimes go wrong. In the next issue, we will show why "dual use" PPP research may well have been the proximate cause of the still on-going global COVID-19 pandemic.