A Finnish Survey of Adverse Effects of COVID-19 Injectables and the Functionality of the Medical System


  • Tamara Tuuminen, MD, PhD, Adj Prof Adj Prof (Docent), Kruunuhaka Medical Center
  • Pasi J. Suominen Researcher not affiliated with the Finnish Health Care System
  • Tore A. Gulbrandsen, MSc Independent Researcher




adverse effects, COVID-19, informed consent, long COVID, public health, questionnaire, vaccination


The declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented containment measures across multiple countries, with the announced intent of saving lives. Among them was the rapid development of prophylactic vaccines, with the promise of no corners cut, but warning signals from safety monitoring systems around the world raised concerns. The current survey was undertaken to evaluate the Finnish medical system in light of adverse effects from COVID-19 vaccination. An online survey consisting of 96 questions (see the Appendix) was promoted through social media. Persons believing they had been injured by any COVID-19 injectable contacted the second author who first verified the identity of the respondent and then gave that person the key to complete the questionnaire. The open period lasted from 5 March 2023 to 25 July 2023.: Out of 67 respondents 63 completed the survey and the collected data was analyzed. Of 63 respondents, 55 (87%) were females and 8 (13%) males. The majority, 56 (89%) of them, were fully employed, and 29 (46%) were social sector or medical professionals. None were previously “vaccine hesitant”. All received from 1 to 4 doses of COVID-19 injectable(s), and 19 (30%) reported doing so under duress. Despite having complied with mandatory vaccination, 13 of the individuals (21%) lost their jobs, and 13 (21%) changed their profession because of the shots. Of the vaccine recipients, 40 (63%) reported that they were only partially able to continue their daily routines, and 17 (27%) reported not being able to maintain daily routines at all. Upon noticing adverse effects, 58 (92%) of the respondents opted to refuse any further doses, but 29 (46%) of them were compelled to take further shots despite their symptoms of prior vaccine injury. A broad range of system disorders was reported, including, notably, neurological and cardiovascular problems. Respondents were asked to describe their experience with the medical system and the healthcare workers they called on for help. Results show that COVID-19 injectables elicited a broad range of severe symptoms, raising grave concerns about the dangers of the products and casting doubt on whether promised benefits outweigh the risks that are increasingly well-known. Dozens of vaccinees in this data set were gravely impacted and these cases can only represent a small fraction of the larger number of injuries that have already occurred and continue to occur in Finland alone. Further use of these and future products based on this gene therapy technology should be suspended or discontinued altogether and medical doctors must educate and prepare themselves to face the consequences of this worldwide public health disaster. Open and sincere debates on the implications for medical ethics and the risk-benefit ratio of this novel technology are warranted. 

Author Biography

  • Tamara Tuuminen, MD, PhD, Adj Prof, Adj Prof (Docent), Kruunuhaka Medical Center

    Medical Doctor and Adj Prof (Docent), Kruunuhaka Medical Center, Kaisaniemenkatu 1Ba, 00110 Helsinki 


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How to Cite

A Finnish Survey of Adverse Effects of COVID-19 Injectables and the Functionality of the Medical System. (2023). International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research , 3(1), 1009-1025. https://doi.org/10.56098/ijvtpr.v3i1.87

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