Foreign Materials in Blood Samples of Recipients of COVID-19 Vaccines
blood plasma from COVID-19 vaccine recipients, foreign materials in COVID-19 vaccines, Korea Veritas Doctors (KoVeDoc), detoxification of COVID-19 vaccine recipientsAbstract
The Korea Veritas Doctors (KoVeDocs) for COVID-19 previously found certain foreign materials and moving parasite-like entities in the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines as those vaccines were warmed to near room temperature (Jeon, 2022). Here we report on similar foreign materials found in samples of centrifuged blood from 8 COVID-19 vaccine recipients as contrasted with 2 individuals who did not receive any COVID-19 vaccine and who had none of the foreign materials in their blood plasma. The preponderance of evidence suggests that the foreign materials found in the COVID-19 vaccine recipients in the study reported here were injected into their bodies when they received one or more doses of the COVID-19 vaccines. Blood samples were prepared and observed under a stereomicroscope after being centrifuged at 2,200 rpm for 30 minutes. From the 8 COVID-19 vaccine recipients: 6 plasma samples contained a multilayered disc of unidentified composition; 3 samples contained beaded coil-like materials; 1 plasma sample contained a fibrous bundle of similar appearing beaded foreign material; and a different group of 3 samples had crystal-like formations of foreign material. The various shapes and sizes of foreign materials in the centrifuged plasmas of COVID-19 vaccinated individuals closely resembled the shapes and sizes of foreign materials previously observed directly in the vaccines themselves. These findings are the basis for our recommendation that (a) a collaborative worldwide evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine contents, and of the blood and plasma samples of COVID-19 vaccinated individuals, be undertaken immediately with all due diligence; (b) that there should be an immediate cessation of COVID-19 vaccinations worldwide and the abandonment of any COVID-19 “Vaccine Pass Policy” and any other form of mandate for COVID-19 vaccinations; and, (c) that emergency collaborative studies of detoxification protocols for COVID-19 vaccine sequelae be undertaken.
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